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Fluechem had the incredible opportunity to participate in the hamburg maritime forum.

Fluechem had the incredible opportunity to participate in the Hamburg Maritime Forum—a prestigious gathering of industry decision makers and experts. From April 18th to 19th, 2023, in the vibrant maritime city of Hamburg, we showcased our commitment to excellence and innovation through our compelling presentation on our groundbreaking UreaGenerator and the remarkable progress made in delivering this market-leading onboard urea (AUS40) production system. Developed in partnership with ARAN, our trusted manufacturing expert based in Italy, the UreaGenerator revolutionises emissions reduction, operational flexibility, and cost optimisation for ship owners. We were honoured to be recognised with The Green Solution Provider Award by the Hamburg Maritime Forum, further validating our commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. This case study delves into our participation in the conference, our impactful presentation, and the lasting impact of our involvement.

We recognised the Hamburg Maritime Forum as the perfect platform to address the pressing challenges faced by the maritime industry and highlight our expertise in delivering sustainable solutions. We set out to deliver a compelling presentation that effectively showcased our groundbreaking UreaGenerator and its numerous benefits, including emissions reduction, increased operational flexibility, and significant cost savings.

We meticulously prepared our presentation, focusing on the UreaGenerator and its transformative impact. We outlined the extensive research and development conducted in collaboration with ARAN, highlighting our technical capabilities and thought leadership involved in its creation. We emphasised the UreaGenerator’s ability to reduce emissions, increase operational flexibility, and minimize costs associated with transportation and shelf-life challenges of pre-produced AUS40. Our presentation effectively communicated our commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions that address industry challenges and enhance sustainability. Our representatives engaged in discussions, showcasing our expertise, and fostering connections with key decision makers and industry experts.

Fluechem CEO Niall Roberts proudly stated, “Our presentation at the Hamburg Maritime Forum provided a unique platform to highlight the groundbreaking UreaGenerator and the progress we have made in revolutionising emissions reduction in the maritime industry. We are honoured to have been recognised with The Green Solution Provider Award, which further validates our commitment to providing innovative solutions that drive sustainability and cost-effectiveness. This award is a testament to our dedication to excellence and our positive impact in the maritime sector.”

Our participation in the Hamburg Maritime Forum, accompanied by our impactful presentation on the UreaGenerator, established us as industry leaders in revolutionising maritime emissions reduction. This case study highlights our commitment to excellence, technical expertise, and our ability to provide practical solutions to complex challenges. The UreaGenerator’s remarkable benefits, such as emissions reduction, operational flexibility, and cost optimisation, were effectively communicated, positioning us as a trusted partner for ship owners seeking sustainable and innovative solutions. With the momentum gained from the Hamburg Maritime Forum and the recognition of The Green Solution Provider Award, we are poised to continue driving positive change within the maritime industry and solidify our position as pioneers in delivering market-leading onboard urea production systems.